Short Creek Quarterly Meeting




Short Creek Quarterly Meeting

Mtg Type

Quarterly Meeting

Established By

Baltimore Yearly Meeting circa 11/11/1806

First Met


Laid Down By

Ohio Yearly Meeting 08/12/1998

Last Met


Record Last Modified


Short Creek QM was the first QM to be established in the state of Ohio. Originally comprised of Concord and Short Creek MMs, it eventually spread north, west, and south into Jefferson, Harrison, and Belmont Counties. The southern part of the QM was set off as Stillwater QM in 1821.
Throughout most of the 19th century, Short Creek QM was comprised of Short Creek, Smithfield, and Flushing MMs.
One of the most important PMs in Short Creek QM was Mount Pleasant. The MH there was constructed as the Ohio Yearly Meeting House, and the Mount Pleasant Friends Boarding School was constructed nearby in 1837.
The QM suffered from the 1828 and 1854 divisions. For nearly a century, the QM was comprised of Short Creek MM (held at Harrisville) and Flushing MM. The latter was laid down in 1960, and except for the brief existence of Uniontown MM, Short Creek MM was the sole surviving MM in the QM. The QM was laid down in 1998, at which time Short Creek MM was attached to Stillwater QM.

See also Short Creek QM (Hicksite) and Short Creek QM (Gurneyite).



Baltimore Yearly Meeting 1806-1813

Ohio Yearly Meeting 1813-1998


Concord Monthly Meeting 1807-1828

Short Creek Monthly Meeting 1807-1998

Plymouth Monthly Meeting 1808-1818

Stillwater Monthly Meeting 1808-1821

Plainfield Monthly Meeting 1808-1821

Alum Creek Monthly Meeting 1817-1821

Smithfield Monthly Meeting 1818-1855

Flushing Monthly Meeting 1818-1960

Somerset Monthly Meeting 1820-1821

Uniontown Monthly Meeting 1966-1992


Short Creek Men's QM 1807-1935

Short Creek Women's QM 1807-1935

Short Creek Joint Session QM 1935-1998

Short Creek Select QM 1807-1960





Short Title

Book Type

When Published