According to the History of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio (2:627-628):
William Judkins was born in Guilford county, N.C... and was consequently in his seventy-third year at the time of his decease... In 1806 he migrated to Ohio, and at the age of twenty-two, in 1811, commenced the practice of medicine in Jefferson county, that State. After twenty-one years of successful practice in that county he removed, in 1832, to Cincinnati, where he ever after resided and practiced... He was one of the oldest physicians in the profession, and few persons had lived longer, uninterruptedly, in the city. As a physician and surgeon his standing and reputation were execeptionally high. Few men of his profession, probably, possessed a clearer and more comprehensive view of the disease, and arrived so rapidly at a conclusion with a prompt and simple treatment. He continued his professional readings to within a few months of his death, and, unlike most old physicians who entered the profession early in the century, he was able to advance with the tide of scientific and medical progress... As early as 1822 he performed some remarkable surgerical operations, accounts of which were published in the journals of that day. On account of these he received the degree of M.D. from Transylvania Medical College, at Lexington, Ky. As medical journals sprang up over the West during his long professional career, he became a frequent contributor to their columns, and in every way tried to advance the cause in which he spent nearly his entire life. He was a member of the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine. By birth the Doctor was a member of the Society of Friends, and remained during his life in that connection, conforming to its customs in dress and language. His manners were gentle, courteous and pleasing... |