Memorial of Anna F. Hall



Short Title

Memorial of Anna F. Hall

Full Title

An Account of Anna F. Hall




Phebe J. Hall




Publication Information

Last Modified By

Chronicler 01/16/2011


The following is the entire text of the memorial:
An Account of Anna F. Hall
Anna Florence Hall was born 1-6-1893 near Dick, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Albert and Phebe Cope. Her parents were both members of the Society of Friends, her father having joined the Society by convincement.
She lived within the limits of Sewickley Meeting until she was about thirteen years old when she moved with her family to Salem, Ohio. Here she had greater religious advantages which seem to have made an impression on her. When she was about fourteen she felt it would be right for her to wear a bonnet which she did and it was made a means of good both to herself and some around her. Later she thought of taking it off, but some of her family objected, telling her that she had put it on under conviction and it would be right for her to continue to wear it. She was thankful for their help and counsel.
She attended Friends Boarding School and graduated in 1912 though her studies were hindered by ill health. She taught the Middleton Friends Primary School for two years.
When she was about twenty-two years old she was given a renewed visitation of a deeper nature than she had had before and she felt her sins were forgiven and she was ready to start a new life for Christ. She tells that about this time she was riding with her father and Elwood Conrad, when Elwood turned to her and said, referring to her spiritual condition, "Things are changed for thee now." She marvelled that he was given this sense of her condition when there was nothing outwardly to show any change.
She was married in 1916 to Howard T. Hall and to them were given three children. She was much concerned for the spiritual welfare of her children, and many were the prayers which were put up on their behalf. She earnestly sought Divine guidance in their training and felt that it was given her many times.
She longed for others that they might come to know what she had experienced of Christianity and the joy of salvation. She felt called to speak in meetings but was not lengthy in her communications. She was recommended as a minister about twenty years after she first spoke in meeting. It is believed that her first message was something like this: "Oh to be nothing, nothing, Only to lie at His feet, A broken and emptied vessel, For the Master's use made meet."
She was often given a word of encouragement and help for those who came to visit her and some of those meetings will be long remembered. She felt called to visit families at times in the exercise of her gift, and one minister told her it would be required of her even if she had to lie on the couch where she found herself. This she did at times.
She had poor health most of her life, which was a deep trial to her. She believed in Divine healing and at one time prayed that she might be healed but was given this answer, "Thou wants a greater manifestation of My glory than I am willing to give thee." She was told that from time to time things would be shown her to do that would help her, which was done.
She was raised up at times for service which would have been humanly impossible for her to have done but she was careful not to presume that she would be given strength but to wait until she was sure that the service was called for and then she went in living faith. She performed a religious visit to Friends in New York and to those at Laura, Ohio, with minutes from her Monthly and Quarterly Meetings. She was given strength for the service which she felt was required on this trip.
She was given a gift in the ministry in writing which she endeavored to occupy according to her talents. She was plain in her testimony, clear in doctrine but with compassion and tenderness to those with whom she labored. She said that she often remembered the time of her own ignorance and felt that she could sympathize with those who did not understand the Gospel.
She fully believed in that Scripture, "Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed," believing that this is one way that we are brought closer together. She has told of one time when she found that she had spoken something in a meeting for discipline which was not of right ordering, and in great contrition she acknowledged to the meeting that she had made a mistake. The matter in question was small, but the fact that she had spoken out of the life was a grief to her. She made other acknowledgements but she always felt that it was better than to cover one's sins.
She was often led to feel for and encourage ministers who were about to go forth with minutes. She said that it seemed to be their place to go out and it was her place to stay at home and encourage them.
At one time when she seemed near death with asthma, after she had recovered a little she said how unsafe it would be at such a time to be holding ill will towards anyone and said that she wondered how any one would dare to hold bitter feelings towards others.
She greatly mourned over the Society believing that many were putting other things ahead of religion and that it was cause of a great loss. She longed to see people attending meeting knowing in most instances that their love to God was not what it should be if they neglected that. She often went herself when she was scarcely able to sit long enough to be there. She said after she had been deprived of the privilege for several years that she believed people would be more concerned to go to meeting and be more diligent to wait upon the Lord when they came together if they had not been able to go as she had been. She believed it right to usually observe the hour at home if she could not be with her friends.
Her earnestness, her diligence, her fervent concern should be an incentive to others to follow Christ as she endeavored to follow Him. It was one of her great desires that others might know Him for themselves. After writing a letter to some of her own family plainly telling them some things which were wrong, she said she wished people would see things for themselves and not have to be told. She felt that if people were more careful to keep to their guide there would not have to be so much labor bestowed. She felt we were intended to be a help to one another and deeply appreciated the concerns of others for her.
Her concern was not confined to those within our own Society, but she was interested in the welfare of others. She found an openness among them and some of them appreciated her paying attention to them. Some have said that she seemed interested in all with whom she came in contact, which was in large measure true. She felt the love of Christ in her heart to flow to others and as He had died for all there was for all a possibility of salvation and that we should do our part to help them.
During the last few months of her life, she suffered much, though stronger than at some other times. She said that she thought of the passage, "They have no rest day nor night." She desired that her sufferings might end in this world and she be prepared for a better world to come. She said she often prayed that if she was deceived in anything she might be shown it.
She departed this life 5-5-1955 in the 63rd year of her age. Her family and friends were fully satisfied that she was at rest and peace with the Lord.
Written by her daughter, Phebe J. Hall
Printed with the consent of the Meeting for Sufferings of Ohio Yearly Meeting.